Dixie Star (2019)

Sale price: US $26,970.00 Make an Offer

Condition: New Year: 2019
Make: Dixie Star Carrying Capacity (lbs.): 2 horse
Enclosed Trailer: Yes Length (feet): 21
Hitch Type: Bumper Pull
Dixie Star (2019)

elkhart, IN, United States

Vehicle description

New 2019 Dixie Star 5" Living Quarters Bumper Pull 2 Horse Trailer with Bunk Beds.
Everything you need in a living quarters in a easy to use bumper pull.
Complete living quarters with bathroom, kitchen, AC/heat, bunk beds, and more. .
Reduced over 3K ready to ship now.
Many extra options included at no extra cost:
26,765.00 2019 Dixie Star 5" LQ Bumper Pull 2 Horse with bunk beds.
350. 00 3.0 Cubic ft. refrigerator
152.00 Microwave
651.00 13,000 BTU Furnace
353.00 Power TV Antenna
395.00 CD/DVD Radio with Blue tooth and 4 speakers
850.00 Power Awning
250.00 Roof Access Ladder
275.00 Exterior Graphics
$30,041.00 Total
-3071.00 Rebate
$26,970.00 Sale Price
Additional Features Included:
5" Living Quarters
2 Horse Slant Load
Bunk Beds
Kitchen Sink
Recessed Glass Cook Top
LP Furnace
LP Water Heater
Power Jack
Power Awning
Rubber Wall & Floor Mats
Removable Rear Tack with Saddle Racks
21" Total Length
5000 lbs Empty Weight
13,500 GVWR
Please call if you have any questions:
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